
1. This review is made by individual. We write the comparison review based on our product knowledge. We understand that We have limitation on the product knowledge of the product that We compare. So the conclusion We draw is our personal conclusion based on what We know. You may follow our suggestions, but it’s fine if you don’t agree with us.

2. We don’t and can’t guarantee that all the material in this website is 100% valid. The specs are subject to changes anytime based on the manufacturer improvement and release. We can’t guarantee any changes that made by the manufacturer because We simply not the manufacturer.

3. The price that we referenced is the price when We are writing the review. The manufacturer and the Seller may change the price over time.

4. If you think that our review is violating your copyright, then feel free to contact us or just email at info at tvcomparison dot net and we will remove your materials within 24 hours max.

5. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for our website, You can contact us or drop us email in info at tvcomparison dot net